The tracer model employs simple decaying rates for most primary species, plus wet scavanging and dry
depostions et al. We can roughly derive the AVERAGE aging time for certain species based on their decaying
rates if rain and cloud are not heavy, or have few impacts on those species. The presented ages can
be used ONLY as a reference, due to realistic complexity. Please note that the tracer concentrations
DO NOT represent the realistic concentration, but only the conributions from various sources. Among these
regional CO tracers, SAsia BB CO is biomass burning CO in south of 40N over Asia, and NAsia BB CO is
BB tracer in north of 40N, and most of other regional CO tracers represent the anthropogenic CO influences.
The model layer is defined in the WRF's half-sigma coordinate and driven by WRF 50km simulation. The
model height can be approximately treated as the altitude above
surface level where the topograph does not exceed 1km above sea level. The MOZART global tracer model
provide lateal and top boundary conditions for this trans-Pacific forecast.
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