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NARSTO Logo NARSTO Workshop on Innovative Methods
for Emission Inventory Development and Evaluation
University of Texas, Austin
October 14-17, 2003
Logo: CEC - CCA - CCE

Comparison Of Biogenic Isoprene Emission Estimatees With Aircraft Measurements During The Texas Air Quality Study

JiHee Song, William Vizuete, David Allen
University of Texas, Austin, Texas

Biogenic emissions of isoprene from the hardwood and mixed hardwood-conifer forests of eastern Texas dominate the hydrocarbon emission inventory in Texas east of the 99th meridian. Extensive land cover surveys, coupled with emission factors available through the Global Biosphere Emissions and Interactions System (GLOBEIS), were used to estimate the magnitude and spatial distribution of biogenic hydrocarbon emissions. In this presentation, the accuracy of the emission estimates will be assessed by comparing aircraft based observations of isoprene concentrations to the concentrations of isoprene predicted using a 3-D gridded photochemical model employing the biogenic hydrocarbon emission inventory. This comparison between coupled emission and photochemical model predictions and aircraft measurements provides a rigorous performance analysis for the inventory. The computational tools used in performing the comparison will also be described.