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NARSTO Logo NARSTO Workshop on Innovative Methods
for Emission Inventory Development and Evaluation
University of Texas, Austin
October 14-17, 2003
Logo: CEC - CCA - CCE

NMIM: EPA's Consolidated Emissions Modeling System for MOBILE and NONROAD

Gene Tierney
EPA Office of Transportation and Air Quality

EPA's National Mobile Inventory Model (NMIM) is a consolidated emissions modeling system for EPA´s MOBILE and NONROAD models. It generates county inventories using MOBILE6 and NONROAD at scales ranging from individual counties to the nation. Its primary improvements over MOBILE and NONROAD are 1) the inclusion of all the required county data for the nation in a single database, 2) an easy-to-use graphical user interface, 3) “shortcuts” for generating national inventories, 4) tools for aggregation and post-processing, and 5) distributed processing capability to enhance performance. When national inventories have previously been constructed from MOBILE and NONROAD, the necessary input data have been widely scattered in disparate formats and have required additional specialized software to convert this data into input files for MOBILE and NONROAD, to run the models, to integrate the results into a final inventory, and to post-process the results into forms suitable for the national inventories or for emissions processors. NMIM accomplishes all of these tasks in a single package. NMIM is written in Java, which works directly with the database using Structured Query Language (SQL). The database management system is MySQL, a widely-used, fast, open-source database. MOBILE and NONROAD remain Fortran executables, which are called by NMIM.

View abstract for: EPA's Utilization of Portable Emission Measurement Systems (PEMS)